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The Gray Iron Fitness Newsletter, Issue #359. Bodacious Burpees
November 01, 2023


Not enough can be said in praise of what may be the best all-around exercise there is: Burpees!

Unfortunately, Burpees, or Squat Thrusts, as they are also known, sometimes scare off seniors who have watched NFL practice videos where young world-class athletes are pushed to the extreme.

If approached in a military boot camp style, certainly they are not age-appropriate for seniors. However, they are age-appropriate if introduced properly.

One of the beauties of Burpees is that they require no weights, no apparatus, and very little space. In fact, they can be done anytime and almost anywhere. They’re truly a “no excuses workout.”

Assuming that you have no underlying physical conditions prohibiting vigorous exercise — and that they are presented incrementally I would recommend them to almost anyone.

Why not try gradual, age-appropriate Burpees? Everything is explained and demonstrated in a brief Burpees video. Please take a look. They may become a favorite part of your fitness arsenal.

. . .

Good advice

A medical doctor, Yoni Freedhoff, summarized how to be healthy in just 48 words. Here’s what he says . . .

“After practicing family medicine for 16 years, with a focus on nutrition and obesity, I’ve learned that the keys to good health are quite simple to describe. In fact, I believe the best health advice can be boiled down to 48 words.”

What are Dr. Freehoff’s 48 words? In no particular order, they are . . .

  • Don’t smoke (2).
  • Get vaccinated (4).
  • Avoid trans fats (7).
  • Replace saturated fats with unsaturated if you can (15).
  • Cook from whole ingredients — and minimize restaurant meals (23).
  • Minimize ultra-processed foods (26).
  • Cultivate relationships (28)
  • Nurture sleep (30).
  • Drink alcohol at most moderately (35).
  • Exercise as often as you can enjoy (42).
  • Drink only the calories you love (48).

Stay healthy. Stay fit.


Senior Exercise Central

Photographs: Subscribers have asked when the newsletter photo at the top of the page and my website pictures were taken. Well, I was a mere 70 years old then. I’m 87 now. Though I remain active, I am no longer nearly as strong or muscular as I was 17 years ago. —LF

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Newsletter Policy

The Gray Iron Fitness Newsletter is a free publication sent twice monthly to subscribers. The purpose is to provide honest and realistic fitness information for people age 50 and above.

I have never been paid or received compensation of any kind to write a positive review or endorse a product. If I say that I personally use a product or service, it is because I find value in it and have paid for it with my own money.

Like newspapers, magazines, and television, this newsletter and my website contain advertising and marketing links. Naturally, I am compensated for these.

The newsletter and website provide information to help users establish and maintain a fitness lifestyle. But fitness information is not the same as fitness advice, which is the application of exercise and dietary practices to an individual's specific circumstances. Therefore, always consult with your physician for assurance that fitness information, and your interpretation of it, is appropriate for you.

Your comments and questions are always appreciated. Simply click on the "Reply" bottom.


Logan Franklin
The Gray Iron Fitness Newsletter

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