In this letter . . .

Should We Take
Vitamins C & E Supplements?

Successful Weight Loss

Should We Take
Vitamins C & E Supplements?

There were recent media reports on a study that indicated the two popular antioxidants, C & E, do nothing for heart health; and, in some instances, may actually increase the likelihood of certain types of stroke or cancer.

What are we to conclude?

Personally, I do not base my decision about a particular supplement by a report on a single study. How the study was conducted, its sponsors, the participants, and various other factors should be taken into account. This is extremely important, because often one study will seem to contradict another.

A recent conversation with a doctor about Glucosamine makes my point. He said some studies indicate that Glucosamine is helpful for joint aches and pains. While other studies say it is not. Since there is anecdotal evidence that it can help, and that it is harmless and fairly inexpensive, he tells patients to go ahead and take it.

Of course the study on vitamins C and E indicates there can be actual harm done by taking them, under some circumstances. If true, that makes it a different matter than the Glucosamine question. Still, it does point out that different studies about the same subject do not always reach the same conclusion.

My own decision is to continue taking a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement that contains C and E, unless further reliable information seems to confirm that it may do more harm than good.

My reasoning takes into account that as we age our bodies become less efficient at processing nutrients from our diet. So I view a quality multiple vitamin/mineral supplement as insurance that I’m getting what I need. I do not mega-dose any vitamins. And of course no amount of supplementation can replace a healthful diet.

If you have concerns about C & E, be sure to discuss them with your doctor.

Read the vitamins C & E report here.

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Successful Weight Loss

In a chapter in Living the Fitness Lifestyle, I ask the question: What do the following diets have in common? Then I list 16 well known programs: Atkins, Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, South Beach, etc. And my answer is that you can lose weight following any of them.

What happens afterward, however, is the more important question. Because I’ll bet anyone who ever went on a diet vowed never to gain back the weight once it was gone. Most of the time, unfortunately, it doesn't work out that way.

I thought about this recently while reading an article in the Early to Rise e-zine. With their permission it is reprinted here. Anyone considering one of the popular diets should find it helpful.

How to Maintain Your Weight

By Craig Ballantyne

Oprah recently featured some former contestants from "The Biggest Loser." Unfortunately, some of them had regained up to 100 pounds since they left the show.

While losing weight is hard, not enough attention is given to the equally difficult process of maintaining weight loss. And what most people don't realize is that the method you use to lose weight helps determine how difficult weight maintenance will be.

Researchers from the City University of New York studied folks who were successful at losing at least 10 percent of their bodyweight in the past year. They were separated into three groups. Group one had lost the weight with a very-low calorie diet (VLCD). Group two had lost the weight with a commercial weight-loss program. And the third group had lost the weight using a self-directed approach.

Initially, the VLCD group had a greater average weight loss (24 percent of bodyweight) compared to the two other groups (17 percent). But the researchers found that they quickly regained the most weight. On the other hand, the folks who had lost the weight on their own - as a result of making lifestyle changes - were able to maintain their weight loss.

What can you learn here? Well, it's like many weight-loss experts keep saying: You must make simple, easy-to-stick-to lifestyle changes if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Crash diets and excessive exercise programs might work for a while, but they won't help you in the long run.

Start your long-term weight-loss program today by finding a form of exercise you enjoy and a diet that suits your personality, and by surrounding yourself with social support - people who are genuinely interested in seeing you succeed.

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, an e-zine dedicated to making money, improving your health and quality of life. For a complimentary subscription, visit

The Gray Iron Fitness Newsletter is a free publication sent twice monthly to our subscribers. Our purpose is to provide honest and realistic fitness information for people age 50 and above.

Always consult with your physician before making dietary changes or starting an exercise program.

Your comments or questions are always appreciated.


Logan Franklin
The Gray Iron Fitness Newsletter