February 1, 2012

The Fitness Lifestyle:
Is it Worth it?

Belly Fat
and Summer Weather

The Fitness Lifestyle: Is it Worth it?

My doctor, normally a cheerful person, seemed somewhat subdued at a recent appointment. So I asked how things were going. She told me that a good friend and medical school classmate was just diagnosed with lung cancer. He is only 40 years old, and he never smoked.

I mentioned this to a friend who said, “That’s just as I have always believed. You can avoid health hazards and be struck down anyway. So why not smoke if you enjoy it?” There’s some twisted logic there; but he is right about one thing: Regardless of having good health habits, there is no absolute guarantee of a long, disease free life. There are only good odds and bad odds.

Last May, thieves got into our home while we were away. They stole computers, electronics, jewelry, money, and family heirlooms. We live in a low-crime rate area, always lock our doors when we leave, and we have a good watchdog. (The bastards drugged and abused her.)

Our neighbors were kind and helpful. But, surprising to me, some told us they never bother locking their doors or taking precautions when they leave. “If burglars want to get in, they will,” one said. “So why bother?” I agree that some thieves, if determined enough, will get in no matter what precautions are taken. There are only good odds and bad odds.

When I was younger and feistier, I would debate with people about dietary practices. Their arguments with the “health nut” usually included having a relative or acquaintance who smoked a pack a day, boozed it up a lot, and yet lived a long time. They didn't want to hear about Jack LaLanne. But they liked the story of Jim Fixx, a well-known fitness buff and author who checked out fairly early in life. Yes, it does happen. There are no guarantees. There are only good odds and bad odds.

The good odds are that your lifespan and, more importantly, your health span will be longer if you live a fitness lifestyle. Smoke, booze it up a lot, get fat, and/or use drugs, and the odds greatly favor the onset of diseases brought on by self-destructive habits. Go with the good odds and take care of yourself. The good odds are that you will feel better throughout your lifetime and you will last longer. There is plenty in life that is exciting and rewarding without abusing oneself.

P.S. Lock your doors, too. It won’t stop every thief out there; but it will cull the criminal herd. Most of them look for the easiest entries. Unsecured doors and windows are like putting out the welcome mat.

Click Here for Cutting Edge Fitness

Belly Fat and Summer Weather

Fat that accumulates around our bellies and internal organs poses a terrible health risk. Health-wise, our midsections are the worst place to carry excess fat. Then there is the ugliness factor. With spring and summer on the way, we want to look firm and fit in shorts, swim trunks and light summer clothing. Waistline blubber is not part of the equation.

If you’re carrying extra pounds, now is the time to act. But do it right. Don’t waste time trying to “spot reduce.” It doesn't work. Spot reducing doesn’t even exist, except in some advertising writer's imagination.

See Ab Exercise and a Trim Waistline for what works and what doesn’t. The second part of an assault on fat is Practical Nutrition. Don't ignore that part.

Successful fat reduction programs must have those two components: Sensible exercise and practical nutrition.

It is February 1st. Get serious. Begin now and in a few short months you’ll look and feel great. Yes, you really will.

You've probably heard about the tremendous benefits of weight training and how you can retain -- or even reclaim -- the attributes of youth . . . Discover the way with . . .

Gray Iron: A Fitness Guide for Senior Men and Women

Newsletter Policy

The Gray Iron Fitness Newsletter is a free publication sent twice monthly to subscribers. The purpose is to provide honest and realistic fitness information for people age 50 and above.

I have never been paid or received compensation of any kind to write a positive review or endorse a product. If I say that I personally use a product or service, it is because I find value in it and have paid for it with my own money.

Like newspapers, magazines and television, this newsletter and my web site contain advertising and marketing links. Naturally, I am compensated for these.

The newsletter and web site provide information to help users establish and maintain a fitness lifestyle. But fitness information is not the same as fitness advice, which is the application of exercise and dietary practices to an individual's specific circumstances. Therefore, always consult with your physician for assurance that fitness information, and your interpretation of it, is appropriate for you. Your comments and questions are always appreciated.


Logan Franklin
The Gray Iron Fitness Newsletter