28,965 days old

by Robert Hastie
(Gimli Manitoba Canada)

I bought your books a few years back and follow your newsletters bi-monthly, Thank you, Thank you.

I follow you halfheartedly as I am in pretty good health for my age. Your recent side splits is particularly appropriate for me as I am looking forward to our kayaking season. Getting in and out of the little boat is getting difficult. I have, until the recent past, been able to rise from a squat position by merely crossing my legs, leaning forward and flexing to stand up. This is no longer possible.

My winter fat level doesn't help, I go from 170 to 180+ (all fat) in the winters here in mid Manitoba, too much time on my hands to cook soups etc. and eat!! I think (hope) it's nature's insulation for the -20 -35deg C outside?

Anyway getting out of a kayak by rolling over at the shore in the mud and struggling to my feet is not pretty!

Beside reducing the 10+ pounds of fat, I need to strengthen my arms for the seated push up, and my legs for the kneeling forward, arm pushing, wobbling, attempt to stand up bent over and trying to get a foot on the mud without tipping the kayak (ha).

So back to the exercises, the side bends and the burpees look good. Any other suggestions?

Bob Hastie (28,965 days old equals 79.3 years, in case you don't want to do long division).

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