Larry George -- 67-years-old

by Larry George
(Estero, FL)

Started training at 15-years-old.

Was inspired by Joe Weider ads in comics, Steve Reeves' movies, the physiques of wrestlers / gymnasts... and wanted to be strong, to be able to protect myself, and to impress the girls.

Used homemade barbell (from discarded pipe) and bought used weight plates. Also did body-weight exercises -- push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, leg extensions / raises.

Worked out alone in my small bedroom.

As the years went by... purchased benches, good set of barbells, dumbbells, chinning bars, squat rack for my basement gym.

Never joined a commercial gym. Closest thing to doing so: I now do weekly exercise sessions at our community gym (gated community in southwest FL) with machines and weights ... these are my favorite workouts.

Through the years, used to walk, jog, bike and did HeavyHands.

Now I do HH twice a week, and walk without HH twice a week, in addition to the weekly resistance training (above). Keep HH / walks to approximately 40 minutes, and the resistance sessions to about 30 minutes... going close to failure on six upper body exercises.

Lately I've been slacking off on stretches, which I will now correct, including bringing out my gym ball.

Always ate a good diet -- low fat / salt, high fiber, complex carbs and moderate protein.

Blood pressure and cholesterol / triglycerides are excellently low. (I'm 5'7" and weigh 156 lbs... my high school graduation weight.)

Want to include more walking on the water at the beach (earthing). Most enjoyable when the wife comes along. It's tough to get her to join me... she's not the athletic type... all suggestions accepted. ;>)

Appreciate your monthly newsletter, L. Thank you again.


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