When I turned 80

by George Brownbill

...was the day I had a heart attack - the ultimate party pooper.

I had been on notice that my aortic valve was closing and had booked in for a replacement. This happened 2 weeks later. The surgeon said he would not have done the procedure except that I was very fit for my age.

All my life, I have been a gym junkie, a swimmer and, until my knees packed in, a runner and bike rider. It was soon evident after the procedure that my fitness had stppd me in good stead and, six weeks, on, I have clearances from my GP to live in my own home, cook, clean, iron and drive my car - but only locally for a while.

I have resumed workouts in my home gym, but only from the waist down and with baby weights. Each day, though, I will up the number of reps and in due course increase the weights.

My family has a genetic propensity to heart disease, and it strikes without warning. Both my brother and I have had bypasses some time ago. My eldest son was not so lucky and died at 43, like his cousin, at 36. We do not have angina, just start to feel a bit poor.

The doctors are quite clear that my exercise and healthy diet have kept me alive and I am very fit. I believe, also, that every man must ejaculate frequently and often to avoid prostate problems. I also take a range of supplements fit general fitness.

I will do all these things until the day I die.

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Oct 10, 2016
Good on you George
by: David

George, thanks for sharing your story. Your achievements make me feel humble. It's great to see at your age that you still have such enthusiasm and willingness to share experiences and to give advice.
I have been sedentary for about 12 years and am diabetic. All of it is my fault because of self neglect. I,d love to get a few more years out of my 68 year old body and your article has given me a good old fashioned wake up call.
Thanks mate.

Sep 07, 2015
Should be careful
by: Gilmicheal

The patient with a problem of aortic valve disease, should be careful during exercise, specially aerobic exercise like as cycling, swimming. You should visit a physiotherapist after surgery.

Aug 03, 2015
Good Attitude
by: Logan

Glad to learn of your successful surgery and in-progress rehab. Thanks for your story and best wishes to you. -LF

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